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There are a few ways to do slideshots, the main thing to keep in mind is that you just need your char to show an animation right as you use an ability. The difference to jumpshots is, that you can constantly move with slideshots and dont even have to shortly stand still, which also keeps the movement damage buff up which normally would fade away since you stand still during the animation. Slideshots do the same basic thing, preventing your char from standing still while using an ability that forces you to do so. After the damage came through you can move again. Dont instantly move then or your jumpshot will fail and it will show the skill animation.

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To perform jumpshots you need to jump, release all buttons while in the air, then press the hotkey for your ability right when your char crouches after a jump. Jumpshots are used mainly for Mountain Crash to use from a distance without having to stand still for so long. I wanna use the space in the description for a more in depth look at jumpshots and slideshots. Sorry for the mediocre quality, I'll have to figure that out for the next video. I used Bandicam to record (who would have guessed) and Windows Movie Maker to edit. This video took me about 4 hours overall to make, as it is my first recorded and edited video. Hey there! Just felt like making a video about animation mechanics primarily for chanters, but everything in the video is applicable for any other class too.

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